We are all interested in weather data. Living in Indiana, one of the states that are sometimes included in Tornado Alley, and going frequently through warnings and safety procedures, it is normal that we are asking a lot of questions about tornadoes. This project will try to answer some of the questions. It will look at the geographic distribution of tornado events in the United States, with focus on the various “measurements of impact”, from the loss of life to the financial ramifications, and explore how the geographic distribution and measurements of impact for Indiana measure up against the national results.
In this research we are using publicly available NCEI (Storm Events Database. It contains various types of storms from January 1950 to December 2019, entered by NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS. In our research we will be using only “details” files from 1996 to 2019. The ETL process is described in this notebook.
The Data Analysis notebook contains the full description and code for EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) together with challenges, findings and visualizations.
The presentation can be found on this link.
- Tools/techniques used: Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Jupyter Notebook, Choropleth maps with GeoJSON, numpy, gmaps, citipy, cpi
GitHub Repository for this project.